Comments Posted By Roger Mansell
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There is now ample evidence that Japan was developing nuclear weapons and they were extremely close to success. Using nuclear bombs as mines, they could have easily destroyed entire invasion fleets. Could you imagine the outcry in America if they used the bomb first and we had delay for purposes of "humanity"?

The peaceniks in 1945 and modern day revisionists would have us believe we could "wait out" the Japanese, clearly ignoring the Allied casualty rate of some 7000 soldiers every week. One historian says these, "would have been small", clearly ignoring the families of each casualty. Hindsight by college historians becomes laughable in their ignorance.

Japan not only continued to wage war after the "bombs" but accelerated the beheading and execution of dozens of American aviators. Their intention to execute all POWS, if their homeland was invaded, was already known. The massacre of POWS on Palawan during the Philippine campaign was well known.

The bomb saved millions of Japanese lives and those who preach we are guilty of inhumanity ignore the millions who died as a direct result of Japan's desire to rule all of Asia.

It is not history that repeats but human nature. Dictators and fanatics always seek control over others and, unless countered, they spread death and destruction.

Comment Posted By Roger Mansell On 15.08.2008 @ 02:36

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